Established in 2004, The Harshman Law Firm, LLC is dedicated to providing quality representation to our clients. We have the knowledge and experience to meet and exceed your expectations. Located just south of Briarcliff Village in Kansas City, Missouri.
Providing Legal Services in Compliance with Missouri's new Medical Cannabis Law and Regulations.
It’s a historical time in our country as Missouri became the 33rd state to legalize medical cannabis. We are proud to play an important role in the implementation of Article XIV the way Missouri voters intended…ensuring Patients’ Right to Access Medical Cannabis.
Amendment 2 passed by an overwhelming 65% of the voters in November 2018 making Missouri the 33rd state to legalize medicinal use. As advocates for patient access to medicinal cannabis, we have been involved from the beginning by participating in the historic public forums, industry events, educating patients and caregivers, and advising entrepreneurs, law enforcement, the judicial system and the public.
Call us today to schedule a consultation.
Legal Services
The Harshman Law Firm’s practice is focused primarily on Missouri Cannabis Law. In addition we handle Criminal Defense and Personal Injury cases. Learn more about what we offer below.
Cannabis Law
Facility License Application
License Denial Appeals
Business Formation
Compliance & Consulting
Patient Rights
Criminal Defense
Criminal Defense - The Harshman Law Firm specializes in protecting medical cannabis patients from criminal prosecution. Ongoing Education and Guidance for MO Law Enforcement & the Judicial System is imperative to ensure Article XIV's purpose is carried out as intended by the voters of Missouri.